Thursday, August 26, 2010

Shakespeare Competition

Just F.Y.I., the Shakespeare Competition is on hold for the moment. There were some issues with paperwork, so I'm not sure yet if we get to go. I'll let you know when I know more, but for now everything is up in the air. Still prepare a monologue for the auditions so you'll be ready, but they are on hold for now.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Also, in answer to a couple questions I received a bit ago: the musical will be open to anyone in any year of school. Limitations will be based on academics, i.e. you must retain a good GPA and continue to go to your classes and do your homework while you are in the musical. Also, there is no MDT class. Not this year at least. Possibly in the future, but who knows?

Stage Crew Training

Hey there, I know this is super short notice, but I thought I'd get the word out even if it doesn't reach anyone in time. Tomorrow (as in Wednesday the 18th of August) there will be a training for all of the equipment in the Auditorium. If you are planning on taking my tech class, this would be beneficial for you. Basically, if you are interested in coming, please do. If not, I will see you next week in class.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Just FYI: For those of you interested in being Drama Officers, or just wanting to meet me and be helpful to your future teacher, I will be in my classroom on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. On Monday, you may come anytime after 1:00pm, but before 4:00pm. On the other days, you may come anytime before 3:00pm. (I may be there longer, but I can't promise anything.) Since I haven't really been able to explore my classroom, I'm not sure what I'll need help with. The classroom is a small theatre, so I'm not even sure what I'll have in the way of bulletin boards, etc. But you may be able to help me set up books and things or just come say hi.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I've had a couple people contact me about possibly being Drama Officers. The tricky thing is that I can't even get into my classroom until the week before school starts. What will probably happen is that I will figure out one of those days that you guys can come in and help me get my classroom set up so that I can have an opportunity to get to know you better. Here is a very skeletal rundown of what would be expected of you:

Drama Club Officers will mostly be in charge of helping with things like publicity, fundraising, and activities. You would probably want to be able to meet with the other officers at least once a month to plan and discuss things that are happening. It would be ideal and awesome to be able to have some sort of Drama Club activity about once a month. When I find out when I can be at the school and do interviews of some sort, I will let you know so that you can come meet with me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hello there. I am KayCee Brugger, and I am your new theatre teacher. I hope you are as excited as I am to get started this year. Things are going to start off quickly, so I want to give everyone as much of a heads up as possible. There are a couple things, audition-wise, that will be happening right off the bat.

First of all, I would love to participate in the Shakespeare competition this year, even if only a few of us end up going. In order to prepare, we need to have the auditions for Shakespeare right away, so I've scheduled them for Monday the 30th of August. In order to audition, you must prepare a Shakespearean monologue. Simple.

Then, there is the matter of the musical. The auditions for the musical will be held on Monday the 13th of September. For this you will need to prepare 30 bars of any song you feel shows off your musical prowess. (By the way, unless something goes amiss, the musical will be My Fair Lady!)

One more thing. I would like to set up Drama Club Officers. I'm not sure if there's any sort of setup that's carried over from the other schools, but if any of you are interested in being involved in that capacity, please let me know.

Again, I am excited to be teaching theatre this year, and I look forward to meeting all of you. See you in a few weeks!