Thursday, December 2, 2010

UTA Parent Meeting

The parent meeting will be held on Thursday, December 2nd at 6:00pm in the Little Theatre. Please come and talk about the trip.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Just FYI, please continue to check the blog for more information on the Utah Theatre Association Conference. I will be planning a parent meeting soon and you must get your form for Drama Club in as soon as possible. Check the call board.

Friday, November 19, 2010

New Play

As some of you have already probably noticed, the new play has been announced. We are going to be doing Harvey. Audition sign ups are in the Little Theatre and will be held on the 13th of December. Come ready with a short monologue or use the cold reads provided. Thanks a lot. I'm excited.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

By George, we really did it!

The musical is over and we survived. It was most definitely a success. I am so grateful for the experience and the things I was able to learn. I do ask that any actors who read this come and help clean up the dressing rooms. This was not done after the final show and it needs to be. Please and thank you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rehearsal and Set Building

Everyone take a look at the calendar for November which is coming up. Make sure you check it frequently for changes. Basically, we are going to be starting to run the show in earnest, putting it all together and having everyone listening for their cues, etc. We will also continue to work on set building throughout so that we can get everything under control. I need all of you to work on finding your costumes and to bring them to the school. Also, if there are people who volunteered to bring props or furniture, we need them to be brought in. For the rest of the time we will need everyone to be at the rehearsals so that we can have the flexibility to work whatever scenes we need to as we go on. It's going to be awesome!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Cast List is Posted! Come check it out in the Little Theatre, just outside my office! I'm very excited. Remember to come tomorrow to the first cast meeting. You may bring food to share if you like.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Audition Update!!!

Okay, here's the deal.
  • The Monday auditions will continue as planned with everyone coming and singing during the time for which they signed up. These will take place in the Little Theatre. Just FYI, similarly to Riverton (and especially since we have no costumes or anything to start with) we will be requiring that you bring with you to the audition a check for $40. This will not be cashed or used unless you are cast in the play. If you are not cast, the check will be returned to you.
  • Tuesday will consist of people coming and reading for us in the Little Theatre. On Tuesday, everyone will come and grab some sides (small bits of script) to work with and cold read, so we can get a sense of your acting ability. This will begin immediately after school in the auditorium. If you have a plus schedule, simply come right after that, and we will still be there.
  • On Wednesday, we will have the dance auditions at 3:15in the Auditorium. Everyone must come. Miss. Holland will teach you a dance and then you will perform it for us. Again, if you have a plus day or another activity, you may show up right after that so that you can still audition.
Please let me know if you have any questions and spread the word to your friends to check the blog for this new information. Thank you.

Ms. Brugger

Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Fair Lady Auditions!

Hey there, I have posted flyers all around the school and I have posted a sign up sheet on my door for the singing auditions for the first ever Herriman High School Musical. Come to my classroom (the Little Theatre) and sign up for a time to come and show off your singing.

All you have to do is choose a song that shows off your voice and sing 17 bars/measures of it for us. You will need to either sing a cappella or bring your own accompaniment (whether that means a CD or pianist).

The singing auditions will be Monday, September 13th right after school and going into the evening. The dance auditions will be the next day (I will let you know how they will be run when I find out from the dance teacher), and then Wednesday the 15th will be a day for reading and callbacks.

I look forward to kicking this year off right with an awesome musical and I'm excited to see you guys perform. Let me know if you have any questions.

Ms. Brugger

P.S. I don't always get a chance to check the blog everyday, so if your question is urgent, you can come find me in my classroom sometime or email me at

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Shakespeare Competition

Just F.Y.I., the Shakespeare Competition is on hold for the moment. There were some issues with paperwork, so I'm not sure yet if we get to go. I'll let you know when I know more, but for now everything is up in the air. Still prepare a monologue for the auditions so you'll be ready, but they are on hold for now.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Also, in answer to a couple questions I received a bit ago: the musical will be open to anyone in any year of school. Limitations will be based on academics, i.e. you must retain a good GPA and continue to go to your classes and do your homework while you are in the musical. Also, there is no MDT class. Not this year at least. Possibly in the future, but who knows?

Stage Crew Training

Hey there, I know this is super short notice, but I thought I'd get the word out even if it doesn't reach anyone in time. Tomorrow (as in Wednesday the 18th of August) there will be a training for all of the equipment in the Auditorium. If you are planning on taking my tech class, this would be beneficial for you. Basically, if you are interested in coming, please do. If not, I will see you next week in class.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Just FYI: For those of you interested in being Drama Officers, or just wanting to meet me and be helpful to your future teacher, I will be in my classroom on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week. On Monday, you may come anytime after 1:00pm, but before 4:00pm. On the other days, you may come anytime before 3:00pm. (I may be there longer, but I can't promise anything.) Since I haven't really been able to explore my classroom, I'm not sure what I'll need help with. The classroom is a small theatre, so I'm not even sure what I'll have in the way of bulletin boards, etc. But you may be able to help me set up books and things or just come say hi.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I've had a couple people contact me about possibly being Drama Officers. The tricky thing is that I can't even get into my classroom until the week before school starts. What will probably happen is that I will figure out one of those days that you guys can come in and help me get my classroom set up so that I can have an opportunity to get to know you better. Here is a very skeletal rundown of what would be expected of you:

Drama Club Officers will mostly be in charge of helping with things like publicity, fundraising, and activities. You would probably want to be able to meet with the other officers at least once a month to plan and discuss things that are happening. It would be ideal and awesome to be able to have some sort of Drama Club activity about once a month. When I find out when I can be at the school and do interviews of some sort, I will let you know so that you can come meet with me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hello there. I am KayCee Brugger, and I am your new theatre teacher. I hope you are as excited as I am to get started this year. Things are going to start off quickly, so I want to give everyone as much of a heads up as possible. There are a couple things, audition-wise, that will be happening right off the bat.

First of all, I would love to participate in the Shakespeare competition this year, even if only a few of us end up going. In order to prepare, we need to have the auditions for Shakespeare right away, so I've scheduled them for Monday the 30th of August. In order to audition, you must prepare a Shakespearean monologue. Simple.

Then, there is the matter of the musical. The auditions for the musical will be held on Monday the 13th of September. For this you will need to prepare 30 bars of any song you feel shows off your musical prowess. (By the way, unless something goes amiss, the musical will be My Fair Lady!)

One more thing. I would like to set up Drama Club Officers. I'm not sure if there's any sort of setup that's carried over from the other schools, but if any of you are interested in being involved in that capacity, please let me know.

Again, I am excited to be teaching theatre this year, and I look forward to meeting all of you. See you in a few weeks!